Monday, March 12, 2012

Paying the Blood Price

Scenario 2:

Turin's fleet has landed at near Durand's mine and the ironmen raiders have disembarked.

L is the longships with their crew, R is the Stif Raiders, G is Durand's Garrison, and M is the mine. Yellow is the lowground, Green squares are highground. The entire region is hilly, Hills confer a -10 yds to speed (infantry speed is usually40). High ground confers a +1D Fighting for the defenders. The entire area is covered in fog. Fog confers a -1D to Fighting and Awareness (and a few others I won't worry about at this juncture), and a -2D to Marksmanship.
Stif's goal is to slaughter the garrison and loot the mine they are not here for to keep the land. The garrison's goal is to defend the mine, they have taken the high ground on a hill to do so.

Turin again commands Stif, with a Warfare of 4(strategy 1B, command 1B)
The garrison has a competent commander with Warfare 3 (let's see how much of a difference that makes).

Unit stats: 
Stif Raiders Health 9, AR 2, Damage 3, Defense 5, Discipline 9
Stif Longboats Health 6, AR 5, Damage 3, Defense 7, Discipline 9
Durand Garrison Health 6, AR 3, Damage 3, Defense 5, Discipline 6

Round 1:
Initiative: Stif: 20, Durand: 12

  1. Stif(1)- Command roll 13 for Longships to Attack(ranged) against Discipline 9. Marksmanship (3-2D) 1d6, 1. Miss.
  2. Durand(1)- Command roll 11 to Ready an action against Discipline 6. The Garrison readies an attack until a unit is within range.
  3. Stif(2)- Command roll 19 to Move Raiders to D5 against Discipline 9.
  4. Durand(2)- Skip turn, keeps readied action.
  5. Stif(3)- Command roll 19 to Charge against Discipline 12. Fighting (4-1fog -1charge) 10 (2 degrees). Damage (3+2)*2 - 3 = 7. The garrison is at 0 health and is disorganized.
    Durand(readied)- Attack(since this is before they are injured they will not incure the -1D) Fighting 5(1 degree). Damage 3-2 = 1. Raider health = 8.
  6. Durand(3)- Command roll 12 to Attack against Discipline 12. Fighting (2 -1fog - 1disorganized +1hill) 1. Miss.
  7. Stif(4)- Commadn roll 15 to Attack against Discipline 15. Fighting 9 (1 degrees). Damage 3-3=0.

Round 2:
Initiative: Stif: 11, Durand: 8

  1. Stif(1)- Command roll 12 to Attack against Discipline 9. Fighting 13 (2 degrees). Damage 3*2 - 3 = 3. The Garrison is routed to D5.
  2. Durand(1)- Command roll 15 to Rally against Discipline 9. The Garrison is now disorganized.(another -1D to rolls and +3 to discipline)
  3. Stif(2) - Command roll 20 to Charge against Discipline 9. Fighting 6 (1 degree). Damage 3+2-3=2. Garrison routes to A5. If they leave the map they escape the battle.
  4. Durand(2)- Command roll 10 to Rally against Discipline 15. Failed.
  5. Stif(3)- Command roll 16 to Charge against Discipline 15. Fighting 10 ( 1 degree). Damage 3+2-3=2. Garrison is destroyed.

House Stif Victory!

After Battle Report.
1 Glory to Turin (Total 2 Glory)
Wealth +2 up to 10 Since there was a mine (a wealth resource) on the land the victor gains 1d6-1 wealth and the loser loses 2d6 wealth.
Units: Spent his two destiny point because he had bad rolls on his units.
Raiders to Veteran Discipline 6, Endurance 4, Fighting 5
Longships to Elite Discipline3, Fighting 5, Aware 4, Marksmanship 4

Lost a Garrison -3 Power down to 36
Law -3 down to 17 Lost 1d6 Law for losing
Wealth -10 down to 27

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