Each game two month two things occur. First there is House Fortune, second there are House Actions.
- House Fortune: A House Fortune is a random event that can either improve or degrade the resources of a house. A house may roll for a fortune each month, or it may forego the roll and increase one resource by 1. However. you must roll a House Fortune at least once every three months.
- A House Fortune roll is a status roll modified by the Law and Population resources. There are three positive outcomes and three negative outcomes.
- House Actions: A House can take one of four actions each month.
- Manage Resources: A house may trade one resource for another. A House may only do one exchange, unless they choose to "rush" in which case the can exchange a second resource but it is at a very reduced rate.
- Start Projects: You begin construction of a project, be it a defensive holding or troops or a new port. You invest the full cost of the project at the beginning though you see no benefits till the end.
- Wage Wars: You fight battles, such as the previous two examples.
- Host Tournaments: You host a tournament. The details of which I will go into in another post. A house uses Wealth to host a tournament and gains influence in return.
House Stif:
Lord Turin makes a Status check for the Fortune roll at 6d6 for a 23. He receives a -5 for his law score bringing his total down to 18. This roll is a blessing which improves one resource 1-3 points or two resource by 1 point (chosen by the Narrator). Letting randomness decide... looks like I'll improve the Population by 1.
Lord Turin also uses his two glory points to raise Law by 2 for a new Law of 21.
After the first month house Stif has:
Defense 26 Population 16
Influence 4 Power 19
Lands 12 Wealth 10
Law 21
Month two, with the good fortune last month Turin will roll again... 24 -2 (for the new Law score) for a total of 22 which gives a result of Growth. Growth improves one resource by 1 pt, in this case Defense for a total of 27.
Month three sees another go at the Fortune...23-2=21, Growth again. This time its for Lands, from 12 to 13.
Now House Stif has:
Defense 27 Population 16
Influence 4 Power 19
Lands 13 Wealth 10
Law 21
Lets see how Durand does.
Month one,
Durand has a lot of bonuses. +5 from their mine, +5 from their port, +1 from Population and -5 from Law for a total of +6. House Durand's Lord will roll his Status(6) check for a 21+6 = 27 a blessing. The resource blessed is Law for a +2 bringing it up to 22 and reducing future modifiers to a -2.
Durand has a lot of bonuses. +5 from their mine, +5 from their port, +1 from Population and -5 from Law for a total of +6. House Durand's Lord will roll his Status(6) check for a 21+6 = 27 a blessing. The resource blessed is Law for a +2 bringing it up to 22 and reducing future modifiers to a -2.
Month two.
27 + 9 = 36. This is a Boon, a boon either increases one resource 1-6, or two by 1-3. This time it will be Lands by 1 and Population by 3.
27 + 9 = 36. This is a Boon, a boon either increases one resource 1-6, or two by 1-3. This time it will be Lands by 1 and Population by 3.
Month three.
30 + 9 = 39. Growth for Defense by 3.
30 + 9 = 39. Growth for Defense by 3.
House Durand now sits at
Defense 24 Population 27
Influence 40 Power 36
Lands 32 Wealth 37
Law 22
Lord Durin needs more power to purchase ships to attack Stif, he decides to use his house action to exchange for more Power. The only resource that can be exchanged for power is either money (at 2:1) or population (at 1:1). He exchanges 7 Population for 7 Power. Still not enough for ships but he's closer
Defense 24 Population 20
Influence 40 Power 43
Lands 32 Wealth 37
Law 22
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