Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Tides of Time

After the failed attack on Stonetide House Durand has lost face with the Lannister's and they are unlikely to assist them again. House Durand must turn to others to continue their feud. House Stif is poised to retaliate against the Westerlanders but before they get the opportunity they are called to go on a raid in the Reach. I'll let House Durand do its own thing without much commentary, we'll follow Turin and company on the raid instead. In the meantime four months will pass for both houses, so I'll roll the Fortune for that. Since, the Lord of Stiff is away I'll roll four times since there won't be a leader there to make the big decisions. Also, since he is not there he is going to hire a maester to watch over his lands while he is away. I'm going to use the steward who has a status of 4 with 1B for stewardship, he will arrive in two months, so for the first two the house will skip the roll and add one to a resource.
Also Stif will invest 5 points of Glory into population, bringing it to 21 and 8 into Law bringing it to 29.

Month 1:
Resource: 1 to Law (30)
Action: The house hires a Maester.

Month 2:
Resource: 1 to Law (31)
Action: none

Month 3:
Roll: 11 +1 - 1 = 11, Growth
The hand of the Maester brings some much needed skill in healing and agriculture to the house, the population grows. (22)

Month 4:
Roll: 13 +1 -1 = Decline
A Maester is seen as weakness by another house in the iron islands. Stonetide is raided and some of the men and women are carried off. Population (21)

House Durand
Status 5
-1 from Law and Population
Month 1: 16, curse
Month 2: 23, curse
Month 3: 13, Growth
Month 4: 15, Decline
They will take all their negatives from influence since they lost an heir to Stonetide, and the growth they will put towards power.

Month 1: 16+3=19, curse
After the dashing loss against Stif their influence suffers among the other houses (23)
Month 2: 11+3=14, blessing, Law (17)
Month 3: 22+3=25, Growth, Law (18)
Month 4: 14+3=17, Decline, Land(5)

Next time House Stiff will raid a coastal village in the Reach.

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