Sunday, April 8, 2012

Something New

I am thinking about trying something new. I am going to try to write a short story version of these test runs. This could take some time, we'll see what happens.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

After the disgrace of having his daughter stolen right out from his own tournament, Lord Durand has no choice but to march on Stonetide. He calls his banner house and pays the Lannisters to transport him to the island. Before two weeks are gone his army has set sail for Stonetide keep.

Lord Turin knows that he would do best to avoid attacking the Lannister fleet, so instead he waits at Stonetide keep to make his defense. He arrays his raiders in two groups amongst the ruins of the greater keep.

The men of House Stif take up defensive positions in a set of ruins, while the forces of Durand approach from the southeast.
(R1, R2 Stif Raiders. P Durand's personal guard, G1 and G2 garrisson, S support troops, A1 and A2 archers)
Lord Turin directs the armies if Stonetide with Arn leading his first regiment of raiders and Magnus the second.
Lucas Durand leads the armies of Durand surrounded by his guards, his subcommander is Lord Gotter. One of their Knights leads the first garrison.

Arn's raiders are unnoticed by the men of Durand.

Round 1:
Init: Stif - 13 Durand - 12
Stif(1)- Second raiders fromation change to tortoise shell, giving a bonus to defense.
Command 15 v 9; +5 to defense
Durand(1)- First archers fail to hear the order to attack.
command 6 v 9
Stif(2)- Arn's men ambush the first archers of durand with their own volley. The attack is so devestating that none of the archers survive.
command v 5 automatic with 4d6; Marksmanship 22 v 5 (4degrees); (3+2)*4 = 20-2=18 (more than double the health) Unit destroyed
Durand(2)- Second archers ordered to attack the now revealed ambushers. Their attack does little damage.
command 14 v 12; mark 9 v 7 (1 degree); 3-5=0 damage
Stif(3)- Arn's men split their attack between the archers and the support troops. They do minimal damage
command 19 v 9; marksmanship v archers 8 v 5(1 degree) 3-2=1
                            marksmanship v support 8 v 6(1 degree) 3-0=3
Durand(3)- The second garrison sprints towards Magnus' men.
command 17 v 12; G2 @ R21
Stif(4)- Arns men rain down arrows on the enemy archers, which are disorganized from the attack.
command 13 v 6; marksmanship 17 v 5 (3 degrees) 3*3=9-2=7; archers disorganized
Durand(4)- The first garrison sprints towards Magnus' men.
command 15 v 9; G1 @ U19

Round 2:
intitiative: Stif- 19 Durand- 16
Stif(1)- Arn's men attack the archers and route them off the map
command v 0; automatic; marksmanship 19 v 4 (4 degrees) 3*4-2=10, the archers route off the map
Durand(1)- The first garrison charge Magnus' men inflicting minor damage
command 11v 6; fight 12 v 12 (1 degree) 4+2-5=1
Stif(2)- Magnus' men reform to a square formation
command 19 v 9; negates flanking bonuses
Durand(2)- Second garrison fails to hear the order to charge
command 10 v 12
Stif(3)- Magnus' men attack the garrison, disorganizing the unit
command 12 v 6; fight 25 v4(4degrees); 5*4-3=17, the garrison is disorganized
Durand(3)-The garrison organize themselves
command 12 v 12
Stif(4)-Arn attacks the support unit, disorganizing them
command v 3 automatic; marksmanship 21 v 6(4degrees); 3*4-0=12; unit disorganized
Durand (4)- Lucas and his guard sprint forward.
command v 0; automatic

Round 3:
initiative: Stif- 24 Durand- 12
Stif(1)- Arn's unit attacks Lucas' guards dealing significant damage
command v 0; automatic; marksmanship 20 v 4 (4 degrees); 3*4-6=6
Durand(1)- The first garrison envelopes MAgnus' men, dealing minor damage
command 14 v 12; fight 9 v 4 (2 degrees); 3*2-5=1
Stif(2)- Arn's men move to assits Magnus
command v 3; automatic; move to V13
Durand(2)- Lucas' men move clsoer to the fight
command v 0; automatic; move to U21
Stif(3)- Arn moves closer
command 13 v 6; move to R13
Durand(3)- Second garrison charges Magnus' force, but are held off by their sheilds.
command 13 v 12; fight 2 v 4 (miss)
Stif(4)- Arn charges the garrison surrounding Magnus, routing them off the field
command 13 v 12; Fight 16 v 4(3degrees); (3+2)*3-3=12; unit routes to @16
Durand(4)- Lucas moves towards the two raiders
command v 3; automatic

Round 4:
initiative: Stif-8 Durand-12
Durand(1)- Lucas and his men charge Magnus' men, inflicting heavy casualties
command automatic; fight 12 v 7 (2degrees); (4+2)*2-5=7
Stif(1)- Magnus enacts a fighting withdraw towards the keep.
command v 3 auto; fight 13 v 4 (2degrees); 5*2-6=4; unit @ N15
Durand(2)- Lucas blitzes towards the keep, attacking both raiders along the way.
command 10 v 9; fight v Arn 11v6 (2degrees); 12-5=7; Arn is disorganized
                            fight v Magnus 8v4 (1degree); 6-5=1
Stif(2)- Arn fires on Lucas, his volley fails to penetrate the heavy armor of his men.
command v 0 auto; marksmanship 12v4 (2degrees); 3*2-6=0
Durand(3)- The second garrison fail to charge Magnus' men
command 10 v 12
Stif(3)- Arn fires a volley at the garrison, disorganizing the unit.
command v 3 auto; marksmanship 15 v 5 (3degrees); 9-3=6; the unit is disorganized
Durand(4)- Lucas charges Magnus, dealing minimal damage
command 11 v 6; fight 5 v5(1degree); 4-5=0
Stif(4)- Arn fires on the garrison unit, routing the men
command 8v6; marksmanship 10 v4(2degrees); 6-3=3; unit routes to N20

Round 5:
initiative: Stif- 13 Durand-12
Stif(1)- Magnus charges Lucas' men routing them from the feild
command v3 auto; fight 22 (4degrees); 20-6=14; route to T14
With all his men either routing or disorganized, Lucas gives up the field and withdraws.

Glory 5
Arn's men are reduced to trained strength
Magnus' men are reduced to green strength

Glory 1
Lucas' guard withdraw intact
all other units are destroyed